Our partnerships
Supporting quality journalism requires close collaboration with the news industry. Every day, we work with thousands of news organizations to meet their business needs and industry challenges.
We partner with many industry organizations and nonprofits
We are partnering with Outriders to support journalists in Central and Eastern Europe by providing technology training and building a community through offline and digital events.
Local Media Consortium
Google is a Premier Partner with the LMC, which unites local media companies with technology companies to grow digital ad revenue and advance the local media news ecosystem.
Coalition for Better Ads
Google contributed to the development of the Initial Better Ads Standards, the first set of ad standards based entirely on direct feedback from tens of thousands of consumers. We are also an ongoing member of the coalition.
First Draft Coalition
Google helped launch the First Draft Coalition to convene news organizations and technology companies to combat misinformation online.
The Trust Project
Google nimmt am Trust Project teil und unterstützt es finanziell. Bei diesem Projekt wird erforscht, wie der Journalismus seine Vertrauenswürdigkeit in einer zunehmend chaotischen Medienlandschaft erhalten kann.
Journalism 360
Google unterstützte die Gründung von Journalism 360 – einer Vereinigung von Vordenkern, Praktikern und Journalisten, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, eine vielschichtige Berichterstattung voranzutreiben.
The Association of Magazine Media
Google is a member of The Association of Magazine Media, a thought leader in the magazine media industry that strives to promote the medium’s vitality, increase revenue, and grow market share.
Interactive Advertising Bureau
Google ist Mitglied des Interactive Advertising Bureau – einer Organisation, die die Medien- und Marketingbranche dabei unterstützen will, von der digitalen Wirtschaft zu profitieren.
Digital Premium Jornais (brasilianisches Nachrichtenkonsortium)
Google is the platform partner for the Digital Premium Jornais exchange, which aggregates premium inventory from dozens of Brazilian publishers into one bundle that can be targeted and purchased across the Google AdExchange.
Matter Ventures
Google unterstützt Matter – ein Start-up-Programm für Unternehmer, die die Zukunft der Medien neu erfinden.
Next Media Accelerator
Google kooperiert mit Next Media Accelerator – einem in Hamburg ansässigen Unternehmen, das Start-ups unterstützt, die die Medienbranche mit digitaler Technologie revolutionieren möchten.
European Journalism Centre
Google supports the European Journalism Centre's News Impact Series which provides summits, an academy and networking models to journalists across Europe.
We partner with Poynter to train journalists across the United States in emerging tools and technologies.
Global Editors Network
Google supports GEN to celebrate the best in data journalism –– helping to bring journalists and technologists together to tackle common challenges in the news industry.
Netzwerk Medien-Trainer
Google assists the Netzwerk Medien Trainer, a network of experienced journalists and media managers that pioneers new forms of journalism and trains journalists in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on Google tools.
Online News Association
Seit 2009 unterstützt Google den ONA Student Newsroom auf der jährlichen ONA-Konferenz sowie die ONA Women's Leadership Academy, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Führungskompetenz von Frauen in den digitalen Medien zu erhöhen.
Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting
We helped launch the Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting, an organization dedicated to increasing and retaining reporters and editors of color in the field of investigative reporting.
Pearl TV
Google arbeitet mit Pearl TV zusammen, einer Vereinigung von US-Rundfunkgesellschaften, die gemeinsam zukunftsorientierte Sendeformate entwickeln möchten.
Local Media Association
We work closely with the Local Media Association, which helps local media companies discover new and sustainable business models.
National Association of Broadcasters
We collaborate with the National Association of Broadcasters, the United States' premier trade organization for broadcasters.
World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers
We frequently partner with and support WAN-IFRA, which is committed to protecting the rights of journalists around the world, while helping media businesses prosper and perform their crucial role in open societies.
Wir unterstützen Impacto.jo, ein innovatives Projekt in Brasilien, mit dessen Hilfe Journalisten die sozialen Auswirkungen ihrer Berichterstattung nachvollziehen können.